Lifeline Support Service Day Centre, Home Support Visits, community outings
Tel: 07704 035757
Lifeline Support Service Day Centre, Home Support Visits, community outings
Tel: 07704 035757
Signed in as:
Our client's personal information will be used to enable us to identify the most appropriate support for their needs. Personal data is collected at the point we receive a referral and during a face-to-face assessment with clients and their families.
Data collected for the client includes; NHS number, name, title, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, religion, patients GP’s surgery, telephone number, safeguarding issues, address, emergency contact details, health conditions, medications, disabilities, reasons for referral. The patients’ verbal consent to referral is also recorded.
Data for each client is stored on a password protected cloud based database and care log application which can only be accessed by authorised staff members. Their paper file is stored in a lockable filing cabinet based in the Lifeline Service office until entered onto the cloud database, it is then disposed of securely. Any archived files are stored on the cloud database
Outbound referral forms being sent to external organisations are sent via an encrypted email for security.
You have the right to request a copy of the information we have stored about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of the personal data we hold, please write to: Lesley White, Lifeline Support, Pump Cottage, Town Street, Askham, Nottinghamshire, NG22 0RS or email
You are entitled to ask us to correct or remove any information. In the event of a valid request, we shall provide you with a copy of the requested information within 1 month.